L'ho letta tutta d'un fiato! Che consigli strepitosi. Non vedo l'ora di fare le uova strapazzate domani mattina e quest'estate di preparare la sua insalata. Grazie per aver condiviso queste storie con noi. Un abbraccio Monica

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Now I really wished I had not waited to cook with Carla. Lovely Emiko. x

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She was a legend in her lifetime, and an inspiration to all of us who want to give joy to others by sharing

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She sounds lovely. I'm glad to have come across her work through your beautiful words, Emiko.

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Thank you for capturing and celebrating these beautiful words and thoughts. I was lucky enough to meet Carla on one of the Market to Table days at Latteria Studio. I think of Carla every time I drag my greens around a pan with garlic ‘in a shirt’, as Carla said with a smile. She has a unique legacy through all the food that will be cooked with her in mind💜

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Such a beautiful tribute to your friend and an incredible cook. So many people are talking about her voice messages. I so agree about the liberation of kitchen machines to make women’s lives better. Thanks Emiko.

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Lovely and heartfelt words Emiko. I will miss her too 💔

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Loved this tribute. I didn't know Carla well, and only met her a handful of times, but she was such a huge part of the community in Rome and one of the very first people I met online back in the 'olden days'.

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What a loving, lovely tribute to Carla, Emiko. It is so beautifully observed and written - I love the point you make about her time in London. It's noticeable how real and rounded the tributes to Carla have been - her vivid personality leaps out from them. She was beloved by so many. Food was central to her life and I know so many people will carry forward her ethos, cook her recipes, remember what she valued and defended with brio, and there will be a rich living Carla legacy. ❤️

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Beautiful tribute!!

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You are so right about her openness as an Italian. I find people here won't even eat outside of their region let alone add some seasoning.

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That was simply wonderful - thank you

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What a beautiful and moving tribute Emiko. I never got the chance to meet Carla when I lived in Rome but agree she was such a big part of the food community in Rome and I loved following everything she did through her instagram account (and Rachel's words) - including calling out bullshit when she saw it like that bit about the pasta machine!

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What a beautiful post. I wish I’d met her. Thank you for sharing this wonderful post.

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Oh gosh, so many memories of Friths, recipes, cooking truths, through the spirit of the inspiring vibrant Carla. Betta sent me the link to this, and so happy she did. A marvellous tribute everyone must read x

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This tribute couldn’t have been written any better Emiko. Thank you for saying what all of us are feeling and remembering about Carla. I’ll miss her cheeky wit and warm voice.

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