
Thank you for this.

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Delicious Emiko! I must make this!

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ooh! This is such a delicious idea! 💚💛

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It is a fantastic idea and baked or fried, filled fiori di zucca is one of my fav. A maybe not so easy question: if we have no access to the fiori, any potential substitute? Pasta, of course, but I was considering something no pasta-related. Maybe filled zucchini? 🤔 thanks! .

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Good question, you have me thinking about this now. The ricotta mixture itself is so tasty (for me it's the lemon and mint that really make it!) that you could spread it on crostini too but perhaps it would be a nice on for involtini say, rolled up in thin, grilled slices of eggplant?

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Fantastic! I think it will work perfectly! Thank you very much!

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I’d love to know what else you do with the ricotta filling, as you mention…if you had the time to offer suggestions, please 😊



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This is really my favourite thing with this particular filling but you could use it to fill ravioli (a little like this recipe here: https://www.emikodavies.com/ricotta-feta-and-mint-ravioli-on-a-windswept-greek-island/) or even pasta shells -- those really large ones that then you can put in a baking tray, cover with tomato sauce and bake.

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Today I was in Romagna, where I was born and raised.

My mom gave me big fleshy zucchini flowers. Instead of frying or using them for the usual zucchini-flowers-zucchini-saffron pasta dressing, I will try the recipe for baked zucchini flowers. Can't wait, thank you! xo, Monica

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